Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin, helps fuel your body by converting blood sugar into energy. It keeps your mucous membranes healthy and is essential for nervous system, cardiovascular and muscular function. Nutritionists categorize vitamins by the materials that a vitamin will dissolve in. There are two categories: water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins, which include the B-complex group and vitamin C, travel through the bloodstream. Whatever water-soluble vitamins are not used by the body are eliminated in urine, which means you need a continuous supply of them in your food. Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin.

How Much Vitamin B1 Is Enough?

Women should have 1.1 milligrams every day, and men should have 1.5 milligrams every day.


Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin B1
Babies 0 to 1 years 0.2 mg/day
Children 1 to 3 years 0.5 mg/day
Children 4 to 8 years 0.6 mg/day
Children 9 to 13 years 0.9 mg/day
Teenager boy 13 to 15 1.1 mg/day
Teenager girl13 to 15 1.0 mg/day
Teenager boy 16 to 19 1.2 mg/day
Teenager girl 16 to 19 1.1 mg/day
Men 1.3 mg/day
Women 1.2 mg/day
Pregnant women 1.4 mg/day
Nursing mother 1.4 mg/day

Thiamin is needed for energy metabolism and the proper function of the nervous system.
The best sources of Vitamin B1 are yeasts and liver. Good sources of Vitamin B1 are pork, whole-grain cereals, rye and whole-wheat flour, wheat germ, navy beans and kidney beans.
Food Serving Thiamin (mg)
Lentils (cooked) 1/2 cup 0.17
Peas (cooked) 1/2 cup 0.21
Long grain brown rice (cooked) 1 cup 0.19
Long grain white rice, enriched (cooked) 1 cup 0.26
Long grain white rice, unenriched (cooked) 1 cup 0.03
Whole wheat bread 1 slice 0.10
White bread , enriched 1 slice 0.12
Fortified breakfast cereal 1 cup 0.5-2.0
Wheat germ breakfast cereal 1 cup 1.89
Pork, lean (cooked) 3 ounces 0.74
Brazil nuts 1 ounce 0.28
Pecans 1 ounce 0.13
Spinach ( cooked) 1/2 cup 0.09
Orange 1 fruit 0.11
Cantaloupe 1/2 fruit 0.10
Milk 1 cup 0.10
Egg (cooked) 1 large 0.03

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